Wednesday, April 25, 2012

goings on..

There's a lot bouncing around in my mind lately.
My baby is almost 11 months old. That's kind of freaking me out! She stood on her own for probably 3 seconds today for the first time. It wasn't something I wanted to happen for another 6 months or so.. I do not want a walking baby yet! She was really excited about it though! She started clapping for herself when she fell back onto her butt, haha.
Jorge turned 30 two days ago, but I've been so broke lately I wasn't able to buy him anything for his birthday. :( I was going to get him a card, but I didn't make it to the store. He knows my money situation so I'm glad he understands, I still felt bad though. At least we were able to spend the day together!

I've also been reading more about simplifying and thinking heavily about having a garage sale. I'd like to get rid of half the crap in my garage. I made a list of some of the things I can already think of that I would get rid of, and I know there is way more down there. :) I'm pretty excited about it!
I'm also doing way better about not looking around for stuff we don't need when we're shopping. Jorge isn't very good at this yet, but my hope is that if he shops with me long enough, he will pick this up! :)

I did a fun little project the other day; I made some laundry detergent from a recipe I found online. I'm still not too sure how much I like it, as I've washed a load once already and found a couple stains still in the clothes that wouldn't have been there with my regular detergent. Maybe I'll use more next time.. The recipe only calls for a tablespoon anyway!

Oh, the Zote wasn't from the website. I found it at walmart before I found the Fels Naptha, and Jorge told me his mom uses it on their clothes so I should give it a try. I really like the way it smells, so I added some to the recipe! but less than 1/4 of the bar as it is very moist, unlike the fels naptha. I figured it could be like my fabric softener. :)


Okay, well it's 10 and i suppose I should find something to eat, clean my kitchen and go to sleep. Goodnight.

I forgot to mention I found a sweet deal on craigslist for two kid's car seats for $40! I'm so excited about it. typically I find one car seat for $60-$100, so this is an awesome deal. I called the guy right away and I'm going over tomorrow morning for both of them. I figure, they'll both be in them until they're about 4, and they're only going to be a year and a half apart so I'll definitely need two. So I might as well jump on the good price!

There they are! suh-weeeeet for $40 :)

Some recent pictures of my beautiful girl, plus one of me and my tummy :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"spring cleaning/nesting thing"

I have been cleaning nonstop since I started the other night and it has been AWESOME! I did the kitchen in two hours immediately after I wrote my other post about simplifying. The next day I did Betsey's room and my room, and yesterday my mom came over to help me do finish my room and the garage. I totally forgot to take before pictures of everything except the kitchen ha.. I guess I was just too excited to get everything done and clean!! So here are some afters.

 before pics are the two on top, after are on bottom. :)

   Betsey's room

My room, using one of my apps on my phone to stitch frames together. it's pretty good actually! I got pretty much my whole room in one picture. (I'm the worst at making my bed btw ha)
this is about half the stuff we ended up taking to the garage! I'm so happy to have it out of here!!

So anyway, that's basically it for now. I completely rearranged all rooms that I have already cleaned, which is one reason I haven't started the living room yet.. I don't know what I would really do with it. It's pretty much in the best arrangement possible so I guess I can just take a few extra things out, but that wouldn't be much fun so I am kind of putting it off haha.. 

Also, I thought this was pretty funny yesterday. When my mom first walked in my place, she asked me if I'm having fun with my little "spring cleaning/nesting thing". hahahaha I hadn't even thought about it being nesting until she said that. I just had bumped into some simplifying-your-life sites online that I really liked and knew it was time to finally start working on it. Some sites I'm loving right now- 1, 23 

So I wanted to mention some of the things I was really happy to get out of here :)
- shampoo/conditioner/soap that i'm no longer using. I gave to my mom & sisters.
- Betsey's clothes that are too small. saving for #2 if it's a girl!
- the obnoxious crockpot that was taking up so much space in the cupboard and i never, ever used!
- blankets. I have 5000 of them!
-half the clothes in my closet. I really only wear 1/3 of the stuff in there, but since my tummy will be growing and summer is coming, I decided to leave some extra stuff I know i'll be using again soon.. I'll be taking a ton of clothes to the consignment store soon, hopefully this week. ($$$$) :)

Some goals
-find myself a nice, CHEAP roll top desk for my room.
-go through all Betsey's toys and keep maybe 1/4 of them. her toy stash is getting a bit ridiculous. 
-clean out hall closets.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


This is something I've wanted to do in my life for a while now. Simplify the things in my apartment, the things I do everyday, the money I spend, the clutter everywhere.. Just simplify everything. It seems like I'm running into the word everywhere now and I'm really not able to ignore it anymore!

It's 8:04 pm and I have nothing to do for the rest of the night except dinner and finish the rest of my crochet bag, I think I'll be finishing that tomorrow.. I think now I'm going to go get some boxes from my garage and start taking the crap out of here that I don't use! There is absolutely no reason for this clutter. I probably use 1/3 of the stuff in here and I'm going to change that. Maybe I'll take some before and after pictures? :)

 Simplify, simplify. 

-Henry David Thoreau 

by the way, here is a blog that has really inspired me tonight.
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